Recipe for Success: How to Make Money Creating and Selling Printable Recipe Card Templates


4/10/20233 min read

six teal icing cupcakes with sprinkles
six teal icing cupcakes with sprinkles

If you’re looking to make money online selling printables, printable recipe card templates can be a great option. They’re easy to create and can be customized to match any style or branding. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about creating and selling printable recipe card templates.

Why Printable Recipe Card Templates?

Printable recipe card templates are an excellent choice for online sales because they offer many advantages over traditional recipe cards. For starters, they’re easy to customize to your branding and style. Additionally, printable recipe card templates are affordable and convenient for both you and your customers. And finally, they’re eco-friendly, which can be a selling point for environmentally conscious customers.

How to Create Printable Recipe Card Templates
Creating printable recipe card templates is a straightforward process. There are several tools that you can use to create them, including:
  1. Canva: This free online design tool offers pre-made templates and easy-to-use drag-and-drop design elements. It has a vast library of stock images, fonts, and illustrations that you can use to customize your template.

  2. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program): GIMP is a free, open-source image editing software that offers a wide range of features for creating high-quality graphics, including recipe card templates. It has a supportive online community that offers tutorials, tips, and inspiration for using the software effectively.

  3. Paint.NET: a free, open-source image editing software that can be used to create beautiful printable recipe card templates. This tool allows for more detailed image editing, including layering and effects, which can help make your recipe card templates stand out. It also provides the option to save files in various formats, such as JPEG or PNG, which are ideal for printing. Additionally, Paint.NET has a supportive online community that offers tutorials, tips, and inspiration for using the software effectively.

When creating your printable recipe card templates, keep in mind the following tips:
  1. Choose a clear and readable font that matches your brand or style.

  2. Use high-quality images.

  3. Include your website or social media handles to promote your brand.

  4. Provide space for your customers to write their notes or modifications.

  5. Add a personal touch, such as a quote or message.

Selling Printable Recipe Card Templates

Once you’ve created your printable recipe card templates, it’s time to start selling them. There are several platforms that you can use to sell your printables, including:

  1. Etsy: Etsy is an online marketplace for handmade and vintage items, including printables. You can set up an Etsy shop and list your templates for sale. Etsy charges a small fee for each sale.

  2. Gumroad: Gumroad is a platform that lets you sell digital products, including printables. You can set your own price and keep 100% of the profits.

  3. Your own website: You can also sell your printable recipe card templates directly on your website. You can use a tool like WooCommerce or Shopify to set up an online store.

Marketing Your Printable Recipe Card Templates

Marketing is key to the success of any online business, and printable recipe card templates are no exception. Here are some marketing tips to help you sell your templates:

  1. Use social media to showcase your recipe card templates.

  2. Collaborate with food bloggers or influencers to reach a wider audience.

  3. Offer free samples or discounts to encourage people to try your templates.

  4. Use targeted ads to reach people who are interested in cooking or baking.

Examples of Successful Printable Recipe Card Template Sellers

Here are some examples of successful printable recipe card template sellers to inspire you:

These are just a few cases. But do your research well. See what is out there and think of what you would do better, and do it.

Final Thoughts

Printable recipe card templates are an excellent option for anyone looking to make money online selling printables. They’re easy to create, customizable, affordable, and eco-friendly. By using the right tools, marketing strategies, and inspiration, you can create a successful business selling printable recipe card templates that can help you earn extra income while doing what you love. Of course, this is just one type of product. When selling printables, the sky is your limit.